HomeContractingNiagara Falls family donates $5 million to hospital construction

Niagara Falls family donates $5 million to hospital construction


Ontario Construction News staff writer

A Niagara-area family has donated $5 million to support construction of a new hospital.

Niagara Health Foundation announced the pledge from the Oakes family last week. In recognition, the main entrance of the South Niagara site of Niagara Health will be named “The Oakes Family Main Entrance.”

“Our family is pleased to be in a position to give back by supporting the new hospital project. The new hospital will provide our Niagara Health care team with a state-of-the-art facility they deserve in order to provide care for Niagara residents and visitors. Hopefully, this gift will inspire others to follow and make a commitment to the It’s Our Future campaign,” said Harry Oakes.

In the early 1950’s Lady Eunice and Sir Harry Oakes donated the land for the current Greater Niagara General Hospital, launching a legacy of giving that has continued for more than 70 years.

“Leading by example is something that has long been a trademark of Harry Oakes and the Oakes Family. Evident in the Oakes name used throughout our city,” said Mayor Diodati. “Now, with this incredible donation to the building of our new hospital, they are proving that to be leaders means to be continually engaged and constantly committed to making our City a better place

To date, more than $27 million has been pledged in support of the new South Niagara Site of Niagara Health.

The new South Niagara Hospital will be a full acute care hospital that will include:

  • 24/7 Emergency department, diagnostic, therapeutic, and surgical services; as well as medical, surgical and intensive care inpatient Beds;
  • Ambulatory Services as well as post-acute Complex Continuing Care (CCC) Inpatient services;
  • Centres of Excellence specializing in stroke, complex care, geriatric/psychogeriatrics and wellness in aging.

Designed with the next age of innovation in mind. The South Niagara Hospital will seamlessly integrate technology that supports high quality healthcare, where technology recedes into the background so patients can focus on recovering and healing.

Infrastructure Ontario is currently reviewing two proposals after the design-build-finance-maintain RFP closed last week.




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