HomeProjects/opportunitiesOHBA welcomes co-ordinated plans review for GTA urban greenbelt

OHBA welcomes co-ordinated plans review for GTA urban greenbelt

The Ontario Home Builders’ Association (OHBA) joins the Ontario government in celebrating the 10th anniversary of the largest urban Greenbelt in the world and welcomes the long-awaited review of the provincial Greenbelt and the award-winning Growth Plan, the OHBA said in a recent news release.

“We are not here to fight the Greenbelt,” said OHBA CEO Joe Vaccaro. “We are looking forward to working with the government during the review to improve the quality of life and affordability for families living in Ontario.”

“This review is about connecting the dots between the plans, looking at how they’ve worked together over the last 10 years and refocusing the province, the regions and municipalities on future community and economic development as we look toward 2041 and beyond,” Vaccaro said.

The industry, through OHBA, is pleased to offer insight into the successes and challenges that have arisen over the last decade through the implementation of the Growth Plan. As we move through the review process, OHBA will present evidence-based recommendations to support new housing supply and employment opportunities while protecting significant environmental features.

“These are both award-winning plans and we have positive ideas on how we can make the Growth Plan and the Greenbelt work for Ontario families and the success of the province,” said Vaccaro. “The province is promoting investment-ready communities and the success of that initiative will be based on how we all work together to solve our infrastructure challenges and how we build complete communities that people and businesses can afford.”



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